Teaching Staff

  • Mr Gary Parnaby

    Head Teacher

    I am Mr Parnaby, the Headteacher at Shilbottle Primary. I joined the school in January 2017 and consider myself very fortunate to work in such a great community. Our school is a very friendly and caring place. The children and staff in the school are a great team and are very supportive of each other. We are very lucky to have such supportive parents and organisations in the village which make it a great place to live and learn.

  • Miss Eleanora Harrison

    EYFS / Y1 teacher

    I am Miss Harrison, the reception class teacher My favourite subject is science, and I also enjoy teaching phonics. I have worked in Shilbottle for 15 years. There have been many changes at Shilbottle since I began teaching here, but the school team, the children and the village have always made it a friendly and fun place to work and learn. I lead science, PSHE and EYFS.

  • Mr Robert Phillips

    SENDCo / Year 6 teacher

    I am Mr Phillips, the Year 6 teacher and school SENDCo. I enjoy teaching all subjects and I am the subject lead for geography and history. I have lived in Shilbottle for 16 years and I have been teaching at Shilbottle Primary for 7 years. Shilbottle is a wonderful village with children who are full of curiosity and potential. The Shilbottle team are supportive and creative and make it a great place to work.

  • Mrs Karen Kelly

    Year 2 teacher

    I am Mrs Kelly, the Year 1 and 2 teacher. I am the lead for Music, RE, Art and DT. I have been teaching at Shilbottle for 15 years. I love teaching here as it’s such a friendly and supportive place to work, with great children. My favourite subjects to teach are math, science and PE.