Our plan to support remote learning

At Shilbottle Primary we have devised a remote learning plan which will enable parents and carers to support their children’s learning in line with the children of critical workers who are attending school.

Children’s learning will be supported in the following ways:

  • Continued access to the Mathletics and Literacy Planet online platforms. 

  • Accelerated Reader - children in Years 1 to 6 will continue to have access to the quizzes whilst learning at home via their REN Learning account.  Please continue to keep up the reading at home. Books at your child's level will be sent home with the home learning packs. You can also quiz on any home books the children have read as most books are on the system. You can access Accelerated Reader at home to quiz on the books at the following website: https://ukhosted71.renlearn.co.uk/2246243/  

  • Children will access Google Classroom through their School360 account to complete quizzes regarding the maths, English and topic work on a weekly basis to enable the teaching staff to monitor progress.

  • We will continue to issue spelling lists to enable children to keep up to date with their age appropriate spellings and complete a test at home each week. A spelling test will be set for all children on Literacy Planet each Tuesday. Children in Early Years or Key Stage one may prefer to complete a written test set by an adult at home. 

  • We will deliver ‘Learning Packs’ to homes which contain resources, such as books, pens and pencils.  In the first instance, the pack there will contain a paper copy of the first two weeks' timetable of activities to be completed in this time.  Further timetables will be emailed to parents and added to the links below for each class.  Where additional ‘workbooks’ are required to support learning these will be delivered in advance to homes.  We highly recommend the use of the electronic versions of the timetables as these will contain the links to websites and learning materials required to support your child.  Teachers will share answers to the work set to enable your child to self assess work completed.

Please note password reminders have been issued within the learning packs sent home and these may also be requested by sending a dojo to the class teacher.  We also recommend you take a photograph of the passwords so you also have an electronic copy available to you at all times.